Each COFOG table provides a cross-classification of general government expenditure by function and economic nature. The transmission of COFOG 1st level data is compulsory, whereas COFOG 2nd level data are transmitted on a voluntary basis until the new ESA2010 implementation.


COFOG grupp .. 10 Tabell 3.2 Antalet statsanställda fördelade på län m.m. och kön 2018 samt förändring av antalet jämfört med 2017.. 11

% av BNP (till höger). -1,5. -1. General government final consumption. Iceland Ändamål ( COFOG ) Tota !


  1. Akzo nobel stenungsund
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  6. Ey sverige
  7. Offentliga utgifter scb
  8. Fars dag smycke
  9. Global index.data

Definitions COFOG tartalom Az osztályozás elemeinek tartalmi meghatározása. Segítséget ad az osztályozás kategóriáiba történő besorolásához. Az osztályozás alkalmazását elrendelő joganyag - A Tanács 2223/96/EK rendelete (1996. június 25.) a Közösségi nemzeti és regionális számlák európai rendszeréről In COFOG group 10.2 Old age the rise of €2.8 bn in the year 2020 was mainly due to the increase of old-age pensions.

Hur har kompetensförsörjningen påverkats hos medlemmar med  Denna omgruppering innebär att Cofog - kategorierna Miljöskydd och Bostads - och samhällsutveckling slagits samman till en grupp . Cofog - kategorin  COFOG 1.

>> Statistikdatabasen >> Nationalräkenskaper >> Nationalräkenskaper, tidigare definitioner >> ENS1995/SNI2002 >> Offentliga myndigheters konsumtionsutgifter (ENS95) efter ändamål COFOG, äldre serie. År 1993 - 2006

-1. General government final consumption. Iceland Ändamål ( COFOG ) Tota !


The COFOG classification describes government expenditure according to 10 major functions or purposes: 1) general public services, 2) defence, 3) public order and safety, 4) economic affairs, 5) environmental protection, 6) housing and community amenities, 7) health, 8) recreation, culture and religion, 9) education and 10) social protection.


Eurostat collects data on general government expenditure by economic function according to the international Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) in the framework of the European System of National Accounts (ESA2010).


Data are based on the System of National accounts (SNA), a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and rules for national accounting. COFOG-A classifies and groups government expenditure according to type of government function or purpose, and is an important input in determining funding flows from the Australian Government to state, territory and local governments. COFOG er en klassifikation af det offentliges udgifter fordelt efter formål. COFOG anvendes således til at danne et overblik over, hvad de offentlige udgiftskroner bruges til og dermed de overordnede udgiftsmæssige prioriteringer, inden for offentlig forvaltning og service. Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at www.dis.uniroma1.it Port 80 Vid en krissituation; Vid akut fara för liv, hälsa eller egendom ring SOS alarm (00) 112. Vid allvarlig händelse, ring universitetets larmnummer 018‑471 25 00. Anslagsbelopp..
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(XII. 7.) PM rendelet a kormányzati funkciók és államháztartási szakágazatok osztályozási rendjéről. Az államháztartásról szóló 2011.

01Allmän offentlig förvaltning; 02Försvar; 03Samhällsskydd och rättsskipning; 04Näringslivsfrågor Classification of the Functions of Government.
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Government expenditures by function (COFOG) Government expenditures serve a wide range of purposes, such as providing health care, education and justice services to the population, and maintaining public order and safety.

-1,5. -1. General government final consumption.

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COFOG. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller ändamål. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Startsida.

COFOG Standard Frequency Guide. COFOG Standard Terminology. COFOG Accountability System.