A statue of the Roman god Janus (sense 1) in the collection of the Museum of Ferrara Cathedral in (figuratively) A two-faced person, a hypocrite. quotations ▽.
Janus meaning: 1. in Roman mythology (= ancient stories), the god of beginnings, gates, and doorways. He is often…. Learn more.
Janus, according to Roman mythology, was a god with two faces who was therefore able to ‘face’ in two directions at once. Thus, by a “Janus-faced sentence” we mean a sentence which, like “In the evolutionary struggle for existence just the fittest species survive”, faces in two directions. 11 sentence examples: 1. Janus Janus is one of the most important Roman gods. 2. Janus also raised its minimum investment for individual retirement accounts to $ 500 from $ 250.
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1.1 Etymology; 1.2 Pronunciation; 1.3 Proper noun. 1.3.1 Usage notes; 1.3.2 Jun 12, 2016 This could be a sentence, word or phrase repeated, like from The Man in the essays contains the fantastic idea of Janus-faced sentences. like a great grammarian might do with sentence structure in the old days”; and Adolf Placzek LS'42, longtime librarian at Columbia's Avery Architectural & Fine Jan 8, 2004 From the Roman god of doorways and beginnings comes 'Janus-faced', meaning to have two contrasting aspects. Depicted as a two-faced god facing in opposite directions, since he looks both to In Hindi means life a fair idea of the names by part of the Janus in sentence. Jan 23, 2021 Janus-faced definition, having two faces, one looking forward, one 5 translations, 1 sentence and more for janus. bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', janus faced in a sentence.
Thus the simplest types are just a tube with a human face near the top, sometimes a Janus face with two heads back to back, and perhaps some simple mouldings on the tube.
Sentence with the word Janus The term " Janus cat," you might have guess, means that Frank and Louie has two faces. The name " Janus cat" was coined by British zoologist Dr. Karl Shuker, based on the two-faced Roman god of transitions, gates and doorways.
‘A Janus-faced entity who, looking inward, sees himself as a
Definition of Janus-faced. : having two contrasting aspects especially : duplicitous, two-faced. Janus-faced sentences Sentence with the word Janus The term " Janus cat," you might have guess, means that Frank and Louie has two faces. The name " Janus cat" was coined by British zoologist Dr. Karl Shuker, based on the two-faced Roman god of transitions, gates and doorways. Definition of Janus in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of Janus. “Old Janus, if you please, Grave two-faced father.” “In two-faced Janus we this moral find,— While we look forward, we should glance behind.” (Colman.) Examples of Janus in a Sentence. Janus-faced in a sentence 1. A Janus-faced view of history; a Janus-faced policy. 2. The emotion is Janus-faced : we are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. 3. with Michelle, you are about to learn something new, Janus English Words. : having two contrasting aspects especially : duplicitous, two-faced. 2. This is the subject of a Faroese poem by Janus Djurhuus, " Gandkv骛i Tr髇dar ". click for more sentences of janus djurhuus
Many translated example sentences containing "Janus-faced" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Translation for 'Janus-faced' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. 4. We are born, Janus - like, with both tendencies. 5. WHEN Niklas Zennstr? m and Janus
Janus-faced - marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray
The following example demonstrates how one of our students has worked deliberately on beginning his paragraphs with Janus-faced sentences: …and they will provide all the fun you will ever need. All the fun will ensure that your memories will be looked back on and treasured.
2013-07-01 · Janus usually was represented in art as having two bearded faces that faced in opposite directions, as do doors — and as do Janus words. Among the most commonly encountered Janus words are cleave, hew, and sanction.
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Janus words are named for Janus, the Roman two-faced god (January is also named for Janus), but are also known as contronyms, antagonyms, or auto-antonyms. Unfortunately there is no trick to help learn these words, so you’ll just have to learn them by heart (memorize) or figure them out in context.
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spine center stockholm remissA person or object that is Janus-faced has two contrasting aspects. In particular a person may be deceitful, figuratively two-faced. Israel Zangwill wrote a century ago that “Life is Janus-faced, and the humorist invests his characters with a double mask; they stand for comedy as well as for tragedy.” This is a more recent example: